Hearing the Eyes
30:36 min
Telmo Baldé’s eyes blinded almost three years ago due to a brain tumour. Now he is doing therapy in ACAPO - Portuguese Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (Associação dos Cegos e Amblíopes de Portugal) for Orientation, Mobility and Activities of Daily Living. For four months, therapist Sónia Manzarra helped him to walk the streets with a white cane. Antena 1 followed this process: it’s a story that also summons the problems and the challenges of the visually impaired in Portugal. This is a groundbreaking experience for Portuguese radio stations. Through binaural sound technology, the listener tries to put himself in Telmo’s ears, in a “complete 360-degree” experience.
“Hearing Eyes” is a great story by Rita Colaço, with Paulo Castanheiro as Sound Designer, in a co-production between Antena1 and iNOVA Media Lab, from the NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas – NOVA FCSH).
We advise you to put your earphones on.
Producer Rita Colaço
Translation Aušrinė Benedikt
Subtitles Ignas Balčius
Animation Emilija Juzeliūnaitė
Rita Colaço
Rita Colaço is a Portuguese award-winning radio journalist who has been conceiving and reporting on various audio stories for more than 20 years in Portuguese public radio, Antena1. She coordinates large format audio features and loves to share the world in sounds. In 2017, Rita launched the podcast “The sound of my life” (O som da minha vida), which recreates the memories that live forever in people's ears. She is the mother of two boys. She has a cat, two Mongolian gerbils, and one day she will have a dog. In her (little) spare time, she makes earrings out of coffee capsules, cereal boxes, and fabrics she brings back from her travels as a reporter for Antena1. She dreams of converting a bread lorry into a studio and driving through the villages in Portugal with the “Auto-Radio” project.