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Podcastin in Lithuania: Details that Make a Difference in Quality


Martyna Šulskutė
Indrė Kiršaitė


Adomas Zube

In Lithuanian

4:30 - 5:30 p.m.

Martyna Šulskutė

Martyna Šulskutės nuotrauka iš profilio, kūribiniame procese, rašant scenarijų_juodai balt

Producer and editor of audio documentaries. Martyna has a master's degree in social anthropology from Vytautas Magnus University. During her studies, she obtained a certificate in intercultural understanding from the University of Southern Illinois and studied social sciences at Lund University through an exchange program.

Indrė Kiršaitė

Indrė Kiršaitė portretas kūrybiniame procese, interviu ėmimas.jpg

Graduated from Vilnius University with a degree in journalism. She also studied mass media and communication science at the University of Vienna. Indrė worked for three years in the news department at LRT Radio, where she developed stories for the news and other shows on current affairs. From 2017 Indrė started cooperating, and has been actively working since 2020 with NARA, where she does podcasting, writes articles on human rights topics, as well as works with media education.

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